How to Handle an Auto Collision in Nevada


Nevada is a popular destination full of entertainment for the entire family. With the Las Vegas Strip, Red Rock Canyon National Park, and the Hoover Dam topping the list, there is no shortage of visitors to the Silver State. However, whether you’re a resident or a visitor, nothing can put a damper on your plans and your finances like a car accident. If you plan to drive in Nevada, reviewing state law can help you know exactly what to do in case you have a collision.

Be Proactive

While all motorists are expected to always be on alert, understanding the type of traffic you may encounter in this state can help mentally prepare you for the type of driving you can expect. For tourists, out-of-towners, and locals alike, it is advisable to ensure that vehicle paperwork, insurance, and licensing is up to date and vehicles are in working order. Whether you are driving along long stretches of wide-open desert highway or weaving throughout congested streets along the strip, plan accordingly, conduct your research, and drive defensively. Being a prepared, responsible driver can help avoid an accident altogether or make the recovery process a swift one in case an accident does occur.

After an Accident

Any Las Vegas Car Accident Lawyer or legal professional from any other part of the state will advise you to follow some basic protocol in case a car accident happens. Like virtually any other state, hit and runs are illegal in Nevada, so if you are involved in an accident, remember that the consequences for fleeing the scene are far worse than staying put and claiming responsibility. After a collision occurs, it is advisable to follow this procedure:

  1. Prioritize Safety First

Quickly assess the scene and check if there are any immediate injuries that need to be tended to right away. Make it a priority to dial 911 if anybody involved in the accident needs medical attention.

  1. Avoid Creating Traffic if Possible

Assuming that it is safe to do so, pull your vehicle to the side of the road so that traffic can continue to flow and to avoid creating any additional accidents. This is required by the law.

  1. Gather Evidence

Be sure to take photographic evidence, especially ones that will help clarify what happened and the vehicles involved. Also remember that since people not directly involved may want to leave, try to identify potential witnesses and collect their information promptly.

  1. Collect Information for Insurance Purposes

Since auto insurance is required for all drivers by law, exchanging insurance information should not be a problem. Whether you believe you are at fault or not, be patient and cooperative. Complete this process thoroughly by gathering all necessary information, including contact information, to help process claims more smoothly. Contact your insurance right away to inform them and to receive any additional advice if needed.

Insurance professionals will be able to provide you with step-by-step advice on the process to expect. While the best-case scenario is to always practice responsible driving, mishaps can still occur. With a little preparation, you can shift focus away from potential accidents and focus on enjoying what Nevada has to offer.